Maryland DUI Law Help: How to Challenge and Clear a DUI Charge in MD

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Maryland DUI Law Help: How to Challenge and Clear a DUI Charge in MD

In Maryland, a DUI charge can be dismissed. A lawyer can file a motion to dismiss for a number of reasons, including:

  • Lack of probable cause to arrest the client
  • Not providing proper discovery
  • Not having been brought the case within the statute of limitations for DUI cases
  • Other procedural issues 

Here are some other steps that may increase the chances of a DUI, DWI dismissal:

  • Challenge the results of field sobriety tests or breathalyzer tests
  • Challenge the arresting officer’s findings
  • Challenge the facts of the case
  • Argue against the blood test
  • Force a trial when the State is not prepared 

A DUI charge will remain on a Maryland criminal record for ten years from the date of conviction unless steps are taken to have it removed. 

In 2024, the average cost of a DUI lawyer in Maryland is around $2,500, but the cost for fighting a specific case will usually range anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000.

However, free DUI attorney help can also be provided from an arrest review before retaining a lawyer. This free consultation assists a defendant in making an informed decision of whether it’s even worth hiring a lawyer, based upon what can be done for chances of getting a dismissal or reduction of charges.

Expert Strategies to Get MD DUI Charges Dismissed

Dealing with a recent DUI in Maryland can be terrifying. You’re worried about your license, your job, and your future. But – there are ways to fight your charges and potentially get them dismissed.

As a leading DUI attorney experts in Maryland with FightDUICharges, we have fought countless cases where the right strategies have made all the difference in either in dropping charges or having the entire case thrown out in court.

Here, we share our expert insights on the most effective tactics for getting your Maryland DUI dismissed, even against the toughest local prosecutors.

1. Challenging the Stop: Was it Justified?

The foundation of any strong DUI defense rests on the legality of the initial traffic stop. If the officer didn’t have probable cause to pull you over, any subsequent evidence, like field sobriety tests or breathalyzer results, might be inadmissible.

Case Scenario: You were pulled over for “swerving slightly” on a deserted road. This could be considered weak probable cause, opening the door for challenging the stop and potentially suppressing all evidence gathered after.

2. Field Sobriety Tests: Not Always a Slam Dunk

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are notoriously unreliable. They’re subjective and can be influenced by factors like fatigue, medical conditions, and even uneven surfaces. Your lawyer can analyze the officer’s FST administration and highlight inconsistencies or errors, potentially weakening the prosecution’s case.

Case Scenario: You have a medical condition that affects your balance, like inner ear issues. This could be used to explain any perceived “impairment” during the FSTs and cast doubt on their validity.

3. Breathalyzer Tests: Are They Reliable?

Breathalyzers can be inaccurate due to various factors like calibration issues, mouth alcohol from certain foods, and even medical conditions. Your lawyer can investigate the breathalyzer’s maintenance records, challenge the operator’s qualifications, and even request a blood test analysis for a more precise alcohol measurement.

Case Scenario: You recently used mouthwash containing alcohol. Your lawyer can argue that this might have skewed the breathalyzer reading, raising doubts about its accuracy.

4. Constitutional Violations: Did Your Rights Get Trampled?

Police officers must follow specific procedures during DUI investigations. If your rights were violated during the stop, arrest, or processing, your lawyer can file motions to suppress evidence or even get the entire case dismissed.

Case Scenario: You were not read your Miranda rights after being arrested. This violation could lead to the exclusion of any statements you made to the officer, potentially weakening the prosecution’s case.

You Have Free Options: Even if You Think You Can’t Afford the Best Local DUI Lawyer

Fighting to beat a DUI can be overwhelming, especially financially. But don’t let cost deter you from seeking the best legal representation in the area. Many top-rated local DUI lawyers, offer flexible payment plans and even pro bono services in certain cases. Don’t settle for less experienced attorney in MD – your future is at stake.

Also, you can take advantage of free DUI help with an expert lawyer in the area with FightDUICharges who will review your arrest and advise you of your best defense options and case chances to win.

Get the Preeminent Local DUI Help You Deserve

Don’t navigate this complex legal situation alone. Contact FightDUICharges for a free DUI lawyer consultation. We’ll analyze your case, explore all possible defenses, and fight tirelessly to get your DUI charges dismissed. Remember, even seemingly hopeless cases can have winning strategies. Don’t give up – let us help you get back on the road to freedom.

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